Raymond Richard Neutra 1939 -

Soon after Raymond was born in 1939, the Garden Wing of the Neutra compound was built to accommodate this addition to the family.

This created two enclosed patios on the small sixty by seventy foot lot.

Raymond benefited from the improved financial status of the family and attended boarding schools.

He was influenced by his father's publications on healthy environments and brain physiology and went on to obtain degrees in medicine at McGill University and in epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health.

He worked in public health on the Navajo Reservation in New Mexico, in Cali Colombia, in South America, taught epidemiology at Harvard, UCLA and UC Berkeley and finally headed an environmental and occupational health research division at the California Department of Public Health. During the time that his mother continued to live at the house until 1990 he and his sons, Justin, Matthew and Brendan and his late wife Penelope Der Yuen and her sons Tim and Abe Lynn were visitors at the compound.

Since his retirement he and his wife Peggy Bauhaus have been active in helping Cal Poly raise funds in the restoration of the Neutra compound. Recently he talked about how growing up here influenced his life. Click here to see the illustrated talk.