Dion Neutra 1926 -

Dion Neutra was born in 1926 in the United States.

He moved with his family to this location in 1932.

He was a dedicated violinist and high school gymnast.

His father insisted that he learn drafting with the architects that worked here during the day.

In 1942 Dion, then a young teenager, helped with the supervision of the completion of the Neutra office's Channel Heights housing project for dock workers in San Pedro.

He volunteered to serve in the US Navy during WWII.

He completed his architectural training at USC and Zurich in 1950.

Dion worked on numerous projects in the Neutra and Neutra and Alexander offices.

After a fire in the upper stories of the 1932 wing of the Neutra compound damaged the home, he and his father redesigned the Richard and Dion Neutra VDL II wing of the Neutra compound. It was completed in 1966. During the construction of the upper floors of the VDL II wing, Dion and his second wife Mari and her children Wendy and Haig lived in the remodeled Garden Wing of the Neutra compound, with visits by his sons Greg and Nick from his first marriage.

At this writing, in 2013 he is still continuing the Neutra office and lives in a Neutra-designed house on Neutra Place, a block south of the Neutra VDL compound.

His website is www.neutra.org There you can find information about recent books he has written.Click here to see a 2010 interview with Dion